The portfolio which aeos Group is administering for its customers includes:

Renewable energies

A minority stake in Anesco Ltd. Anesco is a leading project developer and asset manager for solar parks and battery storage power plants. The company is based in Reading, United Kingdom, and operates in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany. Find out more about Anesco here:

In Germany, Anesco is active, among others, through our former subsidiary aeos energy. This company operates more than fifty photovoltaic plants for various investors in the solar energy business field. The range of plants extends from medium-sized roof systems to large ground-mounted systems with a capacity of several megawatts.

Media & Communication infrastructure

More than 500 UHF broadcasting infrastructures as well as a minority interest in a satellite communication provider operating worldwide.

Real Estate

Administration of more than 1,000 accommodation units in the Ruhr Metropolitan Area and the municipalities adjacent to the Dusseldorf and Cologne region.